Vascular Compression Unit (VCU)


Among Trutech’s more popular products is the patented Vascular Compression Unit, or (VCU). The VCU is a portable device that functions as an iceless, thermal compression solution. Trutech’s VCU provides specific temperature control mechanisms in an effort to prevent thermal tissue damage, such as frostbite, without the issues that come with the application of ice. The VCU also treats and prevents Deep Vein Thrombosis very effectively via hot/cold temperature therapy and vascular compression processes that occur simultaneously. In addition, depending on your physician’s specific treatment plan, the VCU can provide hot/cold temperature therapy as needed.

Conveniently, there are many choices for you to select from. However the best option is clear – no ice! The VCU is a solid state thermal compression therapy system. This essentially means that you can relax while receiving your therapy rather than concerning yourself with unit refills as ice is melting. In addition, you do not have to worry about having multiple pieces of equipment cluttering your home. No need to hobble to your refrigerator to re-up your unit’s ice content right after knee surgery. No need to carry a heavily filled unit around after an arm or shoulder surgery. You can instead focus your energy on your comfort and healing.

VCU Features:

  • Clear-cut temperature control sans the need for ice in addition to option contrast therapy
    • Cold Range: 43°F to 49°F
    • Heat: 105°F
  • Compression therapy in an effort to treat Edema and Lymphedema
    • Alternating compression between 15 mmHg and 35 mmHg
  • DVT & PE Prevention Therapy
    • Foot Application: Cycles at 100 mmHg
    • Calf Application: Cycles at 50 mmHg

Available Site Applications:

  • Back
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Shoulder
  • Foot/Ankle
  • Wrist/Hand
  • Hip


  • Pain – Hot/Cold therapy for pain control and management
  • Edema – Edema reduction for causes associated with soft tissue injuries such as burns, post-operative edema, and ligament sprains
  • Lymphedema – Treatment of disorders associated with lymphatic or vascular insufficiency such as venous stasis ulcers, post-mastectomy edema, Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI), and chronic lymphedema